In the unpredictable climate of Greater London, where storms can strike with little warning, the strength and resilience of your roof are crucial to protecting your home. At Chislehurst Roofing Repairs, we understand the challenges homeowners face when it comes to keeping their roofs in top condition during severe weather. In this blog post, we’ll provide essential tips on how to ensure your roof stays strong and secure, helping you survive even the most intense storms.

The Importance of a Strong Roof

Your roof is the first line of defence against the elements, shielding your home from rain, wind, and debris. A well-maintained roof not only protects your property but also ensures the safety and comfort of your family. However, even the most robust roofs can suffer damage during a storm if they are not properly cared for. Here’s how you can prepare your roof to withstand whatever nature throws at it.

Pre-Storm Preparation: Steps to Fortify Your Roof

  1. Regular Inspections: The best way to ensure your roof is ready for a storm is through regular inspections. At Chislehurst Roofing Repairs, we recommend having your roof inspected at least twice a year, ideally before and after the storm season. During an inspection, we check for loose or damaged tiles, signs of wear and tear, and any potential weak spots that could be exacerbated by severe weather.
  2. Roof Repairs and Maintenance: Addressing minor issues before they become major problems is key to maintaining the strength of your roof. Missing tiles, cracked flashing, and damaged gutters can all compromise your roof’s integrity during a storm. Our team at Chislehurst Roofing Repairs is experienced in carrying out timely repairs and maintenance, ensuring your roof is in the best possible condition.
  3. Secure Loose Objects: Before a storm hits, make sure any loose objects, such as garden furniture, tools, or decorations, are securely fastened or stored away. High winds can turn these items into projectiles, which can cause significant damage to your roof and other parts of your home.
  4. Check Gutter Systems: Clear gutters are essential for proper water drainage during a storm. Blocked gutters can lead to water pooling on your roof, increasing the risk of leaks and structural damage. Ensure your gutters and downspouts are clean and free of debris to allow water to flow away from your home efficiently.
  5. Trim Overhanging Branches: Trees are a common cause of roof damage during storms. Overhanging branches can break off and fall onto your roof, causing tiles to crack or puncture the roof’s surface. Regularly trimming back trees that are close to your home can help prevent this kind of damage.

During the Storm: What to Watch For

While it’s important to stay indoors during a storm, there are a few things you can do to monitor the condition of your roof:

  1. Listen for Unusual Noises: Keep an ear out for unusual sounds, such as tiles being dislodged or branches hitting the roof. If you hear anything concerning, it’s a sign that your roof may have sustained damage.
  2. Check for Leaks: If you notice water dripping from your ceiling or see damp patches on your walls, your roof may have developed a leak. Place buckets under any leaks to catch water and minimise damage until you can have the roof repaired.
  3. Stay Safe: Remember, your safety is the top priority. Do not attempt to go onto your roof during a storm, and avoid any areas where damage has occurred until the storm has passed.

Post-Storm Actions: Assessing and Repairing Damage

Once the storm has passed, it’s time to assess the condition of your roof and address any damage:

  1. Professional Roof Inspection: Even if your roof appears to have survived the storm unscathed, it’s still important to have a professional inspection carried out. Hidden damage can lead to problems down the line if not identified and repaired promptly.
  2. Document the Damage: If you discover any damage, take photos and make notes for insurance purposes. This documentation will be helpful when filing a claim.
  3. Prompt Repairs: If your roof has sustained damage, don’t delay in getting it repaired. Even minor damage can worsen over time, leading to more extensive and expensive repairs. Our team at Chislehurst Roofing Repairs is ready to respond quickly to any roofing emergencies, ensuring your home is protected.


Surviving a storm with your roof intact requires preparation, vigilance, and prompt action. By taking the steps outlined above, you can help ensure that your roof remains strong and resilient, providing reliable protection for your home in Chislehurst, Greater London.

At Chislehurst Roofing Repairs, we are committed to helping you maintain a roof that can weather any storm. Whether you need a routine inspection, emergency repairs, or advice on how to fortify your roof, our expert team is here to assist you. Don’t wait until the next storm hits—contact us today to schedule a consultation and keep your roof in top condition.

This is a photo taken from a roof showing the hip tiles which have been removed and are just about to be repaired

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